02 Apr 2024 categories: thrift tags:
Got this sick ass PS1 from a cool local antique mall! I love going to antique malls or flea markets, there is something about a place that in on booth can sell real actual muskets, random vintage advertising, and then just a booth with random modern toys. It’s funny what people sell there to begin with LOL.
Anyways, The PS1 was in a booth I love to check, it’s small but packed with cool shit, mostly toys- If i had to say mostly 80s-00s toys. They occasuionly have consoles there, this is the same place I got a Xbox 360 and Xbox One for like idk 40 USD as like a bundle? Crazy good deal. They also had a Atari 2600 with a crap load of games, however I already have an Atari 2600- if it was a 5200 or 7800 I’d be on that- I know they’re sucky but still I don’t have em!
So the PS1, It was priced around 30 USD but the booth had a sale goin on, so It ended up being around 25ish dollars! So well worth the price, specially since I didn’t have one! though we had PS1 Games?? not sure where those came from. Perhaps we had one at some point? who know…
OH YEAH It also had Resident Evil 3 in it!