I wanted a not really full or comprehensive list of things I like, but a good harty helping to understand things I like and stuff. All kindsa stuff ranging from Movies, Shows, Anime and music! These aren't in any sort of order- for the most part, by the way. It's sorta just how everything came to mind I suppose!

Games!! I play a lot of them, It's really hard to pick favorites? this is probably not even half of the list probably but It's a good start a lot of classics here too. This list isn't in any order for the most part- however ones I play fairly frequently are usually closer to the top? Idk I guess their isn't really any order but still these are all games I love a lot <3

My music taste isn't exactly the most varied- but this is still only a fraction of the stuff I typically listen to. I tried not to make this the longest list of them all but uhhhh Oops, I guess.

I love cartoons! I admittedly.. don't watch a lot? I really should I always struggle to watch full series, unless I'm SUPER into it or forced to watch it by friends LOL. Here's just a small list of some cartoons I enjoy!

Something I'm fairly well known for is my fanart of PBS or Edutainment/Preschool kinda shows- Long story but It's just a very cozy vibe and helps my autistic anxiety riddled ass relax. As I said, these aren't really in any order, but It should be pretty clear to guess which are my faves based off what I draw :p

I don't watch a lot of anime, I do enjoy it don't get me wrong! But it's just something that's hard for me to get into and finish- I think im just rather picky with anime?? I have classics from when I was a kid and ones I watched with like my boyfriend but I rarely watch anime of my own accord really.

Movies! I do enjoy a good movie, I have such a backlog of movies to watch but I just never get to them- I end up just watching the same classic bangers over and over again, most of which are on this list! I know the genre varies so much on here and is all over the place but hey it be like that sometime!

I really don't watch a lot of TV shows that aren't like cartoons or anything like that, What I do tend to watch I do with friends to kinda riff on it. Like Catfish for example, Isn't a GOOD show- but its fun to laugh at with friends. Same to most of the Paranormal shows like Ghost Adventures and such, granted I have a big soft spot for those kinda shows, even though I know they're terrible. It's like junk food honestly.