A probably ever growing list of some of my favorite characters, I guess people call these shrines but that makes it sound kinda weird? so I won't be doing that, This is just a Blorbo list ! I guess I should state for people who aren't terminally online what "Blorbo" means so heres the basic urban dictionary definition "the term 'blorbo' refers to a person's favorite or beloved character from any piece of fandom media."

Sarah from show Sarah and Duck from BBC and Karrot Animation. She has been the longest blorbo I have and the one I'm (loosely) known for online. That One Guy who loves the girl from that Duck show. I've come to terms with that and fully accept it :P My interest in the show techincally started before 2017, I saw the show airing on Sprout, usually just from siblings watching it. They were all young so I'm sure its not something they actually remember lmao. Anyways I saw the show from that and was like, dang that has a really cute style and cozy vibes. The only thing is at the time I felt.. IDK, embarrassed to like a show that was so below my targeted demographic? Well that far below I suppose, I watched a lotta cartoons and junk but something about a Preschooler show felt weird I guess? It took a year or and help from a friend to realize it's okay to like things basically.

I have so many fond memories of this show, it's kinda crazy. I remember using VPNs to watch new episodes, or the hype of there BEING new episodes. Trying to follow a Toy Fair that was happening that was showing new toys and plushes of the show, The friends I made from it, It's how my Boyfriend found me online and tried reaching out to me! Just a Show and Character that mean more to me than some of my non-immedient family members.
Blorbo since 2017

Vida the Vet from Spinmaster Entertainments' Vida The Vet. I randomly found this show on a NOT file sharing website and was like hey that looks kinda cute? maybe I'll try it! It took a while for me to actually watch it but I figured, what the hell I got nothing to do I'll try it out. At first I'll admit I wasn't too into it? I like it of course but It didn't hook me right away. I think it took a few watches to really sink its teeth in me. It's such a fun, cute little show and rides the line of Edutainment really well. I don't feel like I'm being preached to too hard about like simple things in life, obviously I know that's great for the target demographic but also at least when I was a kid if something was TOO educational it wasn't entertaining to me and I assume that's not an umcommon thing, specially nowadays. All that aside it's super cute, I love all the animal characters too- Like they all have traits or even disabilities that are such a good thing to have for people to identify with. Zigzag is such a good rep for ADHD and I relate to her so hard, the same to Prickly and her anxiety it's just so good. Speaking of representation Vida having Two dads is so good to see aaa! It's just such a comfort show now and I'd be in a much worse place without it lately!! She might be a new blorbo, but she's been as impactful as Sarah has been!
Blorbo since 2024

The Silliest of bunnies!!! I used to be way WAY more into this show, akin to my obsession with Sarah and Duck but after a while- and It was a while I think my affinity for the show died a little bit? for a few minor reasons, I could list a few like how miserable the songs are, obviously I'm not gonna shame kids for singing poorly since they're just kids but It's a bit of a hinderance. The other thing is it rides the fine line from Entertainment to Education and it's a little bit more on the educational side to be as good as something like Sarah and Duck which isn't really something education it's more just general entertainment. All that being said though I still very much enjoy this show and this silly bunny! (and her friends too!) The show is still very cozy, very nice. Honestly I need to finish the series even, I never did that!
Blorbo since 2020

Alice!! From various sources really, most things that have her I like an a lot of her various forms and such! This section specifically covers Disney's Alice, Disney's Alices Wonderland Bakery and American McGee's Alice! I only recently started getting into this character and franchise.. Well I guess this is techincally two franchises but you know what I mean! Funny enough my enjoyment started with seeing cute art of Pinocchio and American McGees Alice- That got me playing the original Alice game, which then got me to watch the original Disney movie- which THEN got me to watch Alices Wonderland Bakery. I should note I usually do not like Disney related things, Quite the opposite to be honest, so this is something kinda new. I still keep that I do not support them or anything they do typically- I just think she's cute, and I like the whimsy that exists in the Disney world, and how then American McGee's version twists that. It's something so cool that I wish I saw more often.
Blorbo since 2024

This is an odd one, It's a show me and a friend stumbled upon. I'm not sure how they found it TBH, but it was literally at like 7am when they shared it and I was absolutely hyper focused on it for like, I dunno like 3 hours straight, making gifs and talking about how cute it was. It didn't have english Subtitles for a bit, since it's a show from uhhhh Kazakhstan I'm pretty sure. A really interesting find honestly, It's very cozy; granted most shows I like are very cozy, that's kinda why I like so many baby shows. They all are just cozy vibes. Of course baby shows aren't the only shows I use for comfort- but it's the main ones. Nonetheless I don't have much else to say here, Out of all the characters Sulu is my absolute favorite so this section is dedicated to her- though I do love all the charactrs in this show. Lala, Sulu, Tima heck! even their parents are super cute! It's just a very cute show. It's got big Bluey Vibes if that's somethin' you'd like.
Blorbo since 2024

So this is a relatively new series, It started i think a year or so ago, but wasn't brought to any US streaming platform until uhh i think last month? It's on Max right, and I watched all the episodes there and I was like 'gee i sure hope this gets more episodes' then i find out on UK streaming platforms THIS SHIT GOT LIKE 40 EPISODES?? MAX HAS LIKE 12?? WILD they just wouldn't bring it all over at once?? Either way, I found Ways to aquire the rest of the show and I've been watching through it and it's so lovely, its so cute! I love isadora and the supporting characters are fun, the intro song is a bop too honestly. It's just a fun little show and if you know me I love fun little shows.
Blorbo since 2025

I originally had no interest in 'Object Shows' really, before I watched them my only knowledge of them was the original season of BFDI which I just could not watch. I'm sure for kids who grew up watching it, It's still a fun romp through memory lane- and on like a techincal level its crazy it was like maybe by just some kids! However by the time I learned about the show It was a bit.. grating to watch/listen to? not that I'm some kinda snob over animation but the jokes never really landed, it was visually unappealing and the voice acting was ya know.. bad of course it was still A really cool feat for some kids to do, but It just wasn't for me.

However, My opinion changed after watching the (at the time) latest iteration of the show, BFB which was actually quite fun! Jokes still can miss pretty hard, but it's fun animation style It's quick pace was fairly enjoyable, so even if something missed it didn't linger long. A lot of the characters have a nicer design to them as well- It just has a nice polish to to the originals didn't have and that's the reason I wasn't hooked.

ANYWAYS!! Remote!! I'm not sure why, but I really attached to her which is weird since I feel she's a character overlooked a bit? She doesn't have many scenes and doesn't have a lot of hype around her, shes just kinda there, which is fine! I think her simple robot-y character and tropes she has is really appealing to me and I cannot explain why, but the Text To Speech voice is so cute? I have no idea why I think it is, out of context it like isn't, but something about it. I guess its just I like personifying tech products, and giving her a robot-y voice is something that's super fun. Either way, I can't fully explain my attachment to characters I like sometimes. :P
Blorbo since 2018

Another fairly new one but I just think she is neat. Dandys World is a roblox game which, I'll be honest I only really played roblox as like.. a joke before I felt like as a kid I never heard of it or always thought it was ya know, a baby game for babies. I dunno I was like the kinda kid yelling rude things in CoD lobbies basically so if it wasn't a shooter I probably wasn't playing it. Either way, a friend convinced me to try Dandys World and it turned out to be really fun! I call it Baby Dead By Daylight- cuz its very very similar, but just Co-Op and not PvP. Either way the game aside- the characters in the game don't have a lot of like.. character or anything but Connie gets here purely off of design wise, and gameplay wise i like her a lot too. Character wise she seems to be a kinda prankster with a laid back vibes, type which i think is cute too. Either way, again I just think she's neat :)
Blorbo since 2024

I have never been a fan of Souls-Like games in the past, they just never appealed to me? The only one that ever did was Bloodborne, but I'm a snob for framerate and it being in PS4 and locked at 30 annoyed me a lil, so I only a very little bit of it. (been meaning to to try it again sometime) I'm not even sure what drew me to try Lies of P tbh. I really liked the visuals, I really liked the whole uhh, Pinnochio story- taking a classical tale and reminagining it for a different setting or world is really fun, It's part of why I enjoy American McGees Alice.
P falls into the robot character trope, I guess similar reasons I like characters like Remote or E-102 Gamma? But P has the added bonus of P being a cute pretty boy, which is always a plus! I think my love for him comes just from I love the world and lore they're in, I love the story and twists and turns- and for a while P is almost a blank slate and it kinda gets me more invested as you can kinda project on them a bit? I dunno how to explain what I mean really but nonetheless I like him. :)
Blorbo since 2023

Gamma, My lovely robot boy! I love him, I speedran his campaign for quite a while, I don't think I was very good but I tried at least! I'll get back to it one day.. nonetheless, SA1/SADX is something I hold near and deer to me. I remember playing the game in my family houses basement, It wasn't ever really finished until later, but there was a couch, a PC setup, a Freezer, a CRT TV, and some like little gym my dad had down there. Oh, and a stereo system, my dad could not exist without a stereo system in every room. I have fond memories of playing SA1 on the Dreamcast, eating ice cream cake (we almost never have normal cake for birthdays lol) sitting on the floor eating cake and playing SA1, thats such a formative memory for me. I suppose this isn't much to do with Gamma, but as the nostalgia I have SA1/SADX as a whole. I remember begging my dad to get me toys from Sonic, which at the time wasn't the easiest to come across. I remember trying so hard to get Chao plushes, never finding them for a good price. Though I also remember getting the ReSaurus Figures of Gamma and Big at a store- still have the Gamma too! And the Joyride Sonic and Shadow too :P

Well, I guess this doesn't fully explain why I like gamma, but again, I don't really know why I like him a lot. Maybe I feel he's under appreciated and his simple but sad story was a lot to little kid me! and of course, I seem to like robot characters, I guess!
Blorbo since IDK, like 2001 or something I played SA1 as a kid a lot

Ghost Face is a weird one, I originally wasn't a huge horror/slasher kinda guy and It's hard to say what ended up changing my mind? Eventually I decided to try watching one, I tried Scream, maybe because I always watched my friend play Ghost Face in Dead By Daylight, maybe it's beause it's the least serious slasher- It's kinda already a parody after all. I eventually really really liked it It's a great film, but it them opened my eyes to more horror or slasher films- and to Dead By Daylight too, a game I've played before but never really got too into as a Killer. I Think around 2021, I decided to give it a go. I really enjoyed what I played, I wasn't really like..
but I had fun! granted I didn't really play Ghost Face, I was never good at the stealth killers back then. So that's loosely how I started to enjoy Ghost Face as a character, Matthew Lilard is a KING btw. HOWEVER, recently I returned to DBD, mostly for 2V8, but after that went away I was like.. man that was fun, I kinda wanna play more but I was a little scared to jump back into it- it has some kinda toxic fanbase, but like.. I REALLY wanted to play as the Xenomorph? I think thats the coolest licensed chapter just for how cool xenomorph is; Nonetheless! I started playing first with Xenomorph, Then Dredge, Then Myers, Then The Unknown, Then Onryo! Finally I got Chucky yesterday- so I guess I'm much better with stealth killers- and all killers in general! Check out these ranks!

I don't think I've had this high of a rank in any game ever, One day i'll make a cute highlight reel of random clips from DBD.

OH ALSO I do Friendly Wesker games, those are super fun- people love friendly wesker :)
Blorbo since 2021

Back when Hilda the Netflix series came out I was so so into it, I loved the show, it's like mythology and lore, I love cartoons or shows that have like a supernatural theme and overarching plots but sorta still have the monster of the week style. It's like it was tailor made for me! I really loved the show, characters and everything! I was super into it until after season 2, I kinda fell off- honestly it has or at least had a really toxic and kinda gross fanbase? I guess a way to sum it up is it has a big crossover fanbase with shit like the loud house and I don't need to tell y'all that shit is horrid. I think my enjoyment for it died as the community was getting worse and I ended up just finding other stuff, unfortunately. I've been thinking about giving it another go though, maybe I will..
Blorbo since 2018