HI! Welcome to my Goofy little slice on the Inter Webs!
this website is best viewed on Desktop, It is not made for mobile viewing! So if you are viewing on mobile there were probably be a lot of weird shit goin on! I dunno how to code a website for mobile LOL

:3 Welcome To the Rat Playground, or the Rat Hideout- they're both good names and I can't decide which this shit is !! This was a long time coming, I always wanted my own site to mess around on but
never had the ability to.. Well I know basic HTML, but not nearly enough to make THIS website as its seen here. I owe so much thanks to My dear friend Lily please look at her website!!
Feel free to follow this page over on Neocities as well for any updates or comments! (click da rat) >>> <<<

01/22/2025 - New Blog Area 'Favorite Media' and updated Mods page! Oh, also new art! -
We have a new blog post about the holidays, a bit late but oh well! We also have some new art- I've been in a bit of a rut drawing wise, but I'm tryin'. There is also a new page for Fave Media, Shows, Games, Cartoons, Music and other stuff too! It's pretty cool, you should check it out if you want to! Oh!! and there is the 'Mods' button now to that'll show you some of the mods I've worked on- or currently working on. It's still under construction, but it's gettin' there! I'm also trying to break my drawing rut so I can make a new comic, I miss making it..
11/19/2024 - New blog posts, and secret other pages updated! -
updated the blog, and added a new under construction page, that ya'll can't access yet but It's related to the comic, so hopefully ya'll will see it soon! I think there was something else I added but.. I'm drawing a blank right now.. hm maybe I'll think of it later LOL.
11/06/2024 - New Comic! New art, Updated About Page and added a new secret link to a special webpage -
Added some new art and updated the about page a bit, It's rambly but thats just how I talk to it fits fine :P oh and added a new secret link on my about page, It's not really hard to find but It's still funny please look for it and enjoy!! Not much else changed, Check out the new comic as well!!
10/22/2024 - Comic pages added, New art, New Buttons and More links! -
Various new things were added, including a WHOLE new site comic! It's still a work in progress, doesn't really have a name yet to be honest- but the first comic is up and you can navigate to it from the sidebar or to the right of this page!
Aside from that, more art has been uploaded as always, and more 88x31 buttons and a lot more of them link to random, mostly youtube videos cuz thats fun :3 click around! you dunno where you'll end up!! Most likely youtube but hey, its a start!
Also added a link to my Bluesky because FUCK Twitter, and steam link as well! A few various other things, not exactly worth mentioning!
vv Check out my steam Profile, maybe we can play TF2, Dead By Daylight or IDK VRChat or somethin' together :D vv

For any other social media places, Like mastodon- or if you're interested in commissioning me check out my carrd for info and message me on any of these social medias! (Click the smiley face!)